Impressed by Guyana Times

Dear Editor,

My, I am so impressed with the newest addition to the print media here in Guyana. I really had thought that we might have had more radio stations before we got more newspapers.

I wonder how the law worked in the favour of establishing another literary voice before it acted on giving permission to more persons to be given radio licences.
The Guyana Times certainly deserves my commendation for landing on the Guyanese market. The newspaper has more pages, the pages are larger, it has numerous features, the print quality is exquisite and all the pages are printed in colour! The price is less too.

The newspaper, for me, is certainly more (as we say here in Guyana) ‘full-eyed’ to the buyer.

The quality of the newspaper goes to show the distance we as a nation have travelled by bringing out a daily voice of such standard.

The website is also excellent.

So now I believe I am challenged to rethink my newspaper purchasing habits. I usually purchase the Kaieteur News and Stabroek News and read the Guyana Chronicle online.

I purchase the weekly Catholic Standard at church on Sundays. I just might very well eliminate the purchase of one of the above newspapers to include the Guyana Times on my regular reading list.

But I have not made any decisions yet, Mr Editor. I shall be observing the newspaper though.

Yours faithfully,
Leon Jameson Suseran