The Minibus Association should be called the Fares-Increase Association

Dear Editor,
The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines an association as “a group of people organised for a joint purpose.” Based on that definition, my question is what is the purpose of the Minibus Association?

Their apparent interests and actions over the years would lead one to believe that their purpose is solely to increase fares when the opportunity presents itself. They capitalise on any window of opportunity to raise fares since they are apparently incapable of doing anything that will meaningfully add to the much needed development of an organised minibus system.
The minibus system is a maverick system. There is anarchy characterised by loud music, overloading, speeding and uncertain navigation on the roadways, all of which simply serves as testimony to the indifference and/or incompetence of the Minibus Association.

Since none of the above lawlessness has been effectively addressed by the Minibus Association, they should consider changing their name to the Fares-Increase Association; their name will then be commensurate with their actions and their purpose will be clear to all.
Yours faithfully,
Ganesh Gupta