Shocked by Karzai

Dear Editor,

I watched 60 Minutes on Sunday, August 31 as Scott Pelley interviewed some people in Afghanistan who had witnessed and survived the American bombing of a settlement in that country in March.

The Afghans told Pelley that the Americans had searched the said place earlier and had found neither weapons nor Taliban, yet they had bombed it killing men, women and children, including babies.

What shocked Pelley was when two Afghans who had lived through the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan told him that the Russians were more decent than the Americans are now.

What disgusted me was when Pelley told Hamid Karzai, the Afghan President, that the bombing which had killed scores of civilians was deliberate, and the president said no, it was a mistake. Such is the man who leads Afghanistan and considers bin Laden a terrorist.

Yours faithfully,
WP George