President Jagdeo’s stance on the EPA is to be admired

Dear Editor,
It is interesting to watch President Jagdeo stand up to the EU. I commend him for seeing, as does Sir Shridath Ramphal, the long term devastation in our revenues that signing the present EPA would have on our economy. It is also interesting to see the rest of Caricom capitulate to the pressure from the European overlords. It seems in Europe they still think the leaders of these former colonies can be easily bullied into an agreement that would vastly reduce the incomes of their states. I admire President Jagdeo’s stance in refusing to sign unless he absolutely has to. Kudos to him.

It reminds me of Dr Jagan standing up to pressure from the British government and the planters here in the 1950s. Let it be clear to all that this agreement, as it stands, is not in the interest of the Caricom nations.
I must say I am disappointed in the other Caricom leaders in that they have shown how easily they can be cornered and forced to sign something not beneficial to their peoples. By the way, where is the PNCR on this? Why have they not uttered a word of protest in this obvious rape of our economic independence?

Good luck President Jagdeo. But be careful because there are forces at home who would like to see your government and the PPP come into disfavour with the Europeans.

It might be instructive to review the events of the 1940s and 1950s that led to the suspension of the British Guiana constitution (see Cheddi Jagan’s Forbidden Freedom) and the disbanding of the elected government. I see the same forces massing on the horizon today, waiting for the opportunity to wrestle the state from your hands.
Yours faithfully,
Mohan Singh