International Bar on Saturday

The Rotary Club of Georgetown is hosting International Bar at Thirst Park on Saturday.
According to a press release from the Public Communications Consultants Limited the bar will feature the national cuisines and beverages of 12 countries.

Expert chefs will prepare local dishes as well as dishes from Brazil, the Netherlands, Russia, India, Belize, Suriname, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, China, Indonesia and Singapore. Patrons can enjoy dishes such as samoosa, churrasco, Brazilian sausages, Dutch smoked sausages, sate, chicken roulet, stuffed dough, doces, gulab jamoon, kompot and a variety of international beverages.

The club said the event will be a real “ole tyme International Bar” reminiscent of the days when it was held at Colgrain House and where the international embassies in Guyana would feature their cuisines. A number of embassies will again be participating in this popular fete.
The release said too musical accompaniment will be provided by Sonic Boom stereo sounds which will mix the old with the new for patrons’ enjoyment.

International Bar is a major fundraising event for the club and advance tickets are priced at $2,000. Tickets are available at all Digicel ‘Smartcell’ outlets from today.

The release said too patrons will also benefit from attractive gate prizes such as a Caribbean Airline ticket, one Blackberry cell phone and a Genequip 1000 watt generator.