New Amsterdam is an eyesore

Dear Editor,
A substantial amount of attention has been given recently in the letter columns of various local newspapers to the deplorable and dirty condition of the once famed garden but now garbage city of the Caribbean, George-town. The improvement of this city will depend on collaborate efforts from the government as well as from the citizens.

However, environmental degradation is not unique to Georgetown. The town of New Amsterdam has been in a downward decaying state for decades. There are piles of garbage anywhere and everywhere among and around residential as well as public areas, businesses, restaurants, etc. In every side street there are large potholes, blocked drains and overgrown grass.

The once main artery of New Amsterdam, Pitt Street, remains a ghost street and little attempt has been made to rebuild it after the infamous fire a couple of years ago. The once lovely church by Trinity Street, like so many buildings, has just been left to fall into a dilapidated state. New Amsterdam is really on the whole, an eyesore.
Yours faithfully,
Lomarsh Roopnarine