‘Instant sleeves’

Dear Editor,
I am so happy that both Ms Jonas and Ms Shah have highlighted the ridiculous dress code in place for persons visiting government buildings.

Both women have comprehensively expressed the frustration experienced by the ‘sleeveless women’ of this country. On a good day, I wonder if the architects of this code forget that we live in a tropical country; on a bad day, I think they must have ugly arms themselves and want company in hiding them.
Ladies,  my answer to this farce of ‘sleevelessness’ is comical. Cut off the sleeves from your husband’s shirt, don’t even bother to hem the ends, keep them in your bag, and should you be refused entry to any public building by over-zealous guards, whip them out and pull them on.
Voilà, instant sleeves…
Yours faithfully,
J. Persaud