Inefficient phone service on Essequibo Coast

Dear Editor,

GT&T has been installing a new antenna service on the Essequibo Coast. The system is inefficient, phone calls are distorted, contact is lost during conversations, fax services are inadequate and internet services are unreliable at most times. Overseas international call reception is a source of stress. Broken conversations and disconnection follows, and customers still receive bills for unsuccessful calls.

The public phone booths are sometimes out of order; one particular phone booth in Anna Regina is sometimes without power because the power is turned off by the businessman from whose premises the electricity supply is given to the phone booth.

The people of Essequibo Coast are disgusted and stressed out with the miserable phone service in this modern era of technology and would appreciate it if the relevant authorities acted immediately to provide the better telecommunication service that is needed in this present time when technology is moving apace. Come on GT&T, is it because there is no competition that Essequibians are deprived of a more modernized telecommunications system?

Yours faithfully,
Harrinarine Singh

Editor’s note

We are sending a copy of this letter to Ms Allison Parker, the PRO of GT&T for any comments she might wish to make.