There should be signs indicating one-way streets

Dear Editor,

I have noticed at different locations in and out of Georgetown that some drivers are unaware that certain roadways are one way and have been made so for a particular reason.

Some drivers of vehicles not belonging to the area where the one-way road is located have no clue that it is such since there are no signs to tell them there’s no entry. Usually one-way streets are narrow, making it difficult to accommodate traffic from both directions.

It is not the drivers who are to be blamed in such circumstances, but rather the traffic department. Drivers who do not seem to know about the status of a particular road and drive along it are then stopped by the police who do not hesitate to penalize them for not knowing better. The question is how can they know better when there are no signs.

The Guyana Police Force Traffic Division should look into this issue and others in relation to traffic signs and symbols which are imperative to keep the traffic flowing and prevent massive upset on the roadways.

Yours faithfully,
A Abel