Online safety lessons to be compulsory for over-5s

LONDON, (Reuters) – Children will be taught about online dangers with a new “Green Cross Code” for internet safety  under plans launched by the government on Tuesday.

The lessons are part of a strategy, “Click Clever Click  Safe”, which will produce guidelines for government, industry  and charities on how to protect children using the web.

“The internet provides our children with a world of  entertainment, opportunity and knowledge — a world literally at  their fingertips,” said Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

“But we must ensure that the virtual world is as safe for  them as this one. We hope that `zip it, block it, flag it’ will  become as familiar to this generation as `stop, look, listen’  did to the last.”

The government says that 99 percent of children aged 8 to 17  now have access to the internet.

However research has shown that 18 percent of young people  had come across “harmful or inappropriate” content online, and  33 percent of children said their parents were unaware of their  web activities.

The new plans, drawn up by the UK Council for Child Internet  Safety (UKCCIS) which is made up of over 140 organisations,  including Google, Microsoft, and Bebo, would make online safety  lessons compulsory for those over 5 from Sept. 2011.   Internet companies, charities and the government will be  checked to ensure they meet standards set by UKCCIS, and parents  will be able to seek advice from the Child Exploitation and  Online Protection centre. Children and parents will be encouraged to use a “Zip it,  Block it, Flag it” code, which advises youngsters not to pass on  personal details, to block contact from an unknown source and to  report any websites or online behaviour that cause concern.

Brown said the aim was to make advice as well-known as the  “green cross code” which was designed in the 1970s to give  children information about road safety

Professor Tanya Bryon, whose report last year formed the  basis for the plans, said failing to tell children about online  risks made them more vulnerable.

“This is the first time in the world any country has a  national strategy for child internet safety,” she told Sky News.