Authorities should apologise to David Hinds

Dear Editor,

I join the WPA in condemning the “drug” search of Bro David Hinds (‘WPA protests airport search on David Hinds’ SN, June 27) especially if it was politically motivated.  The authorities should tender an apology to Prof Hinds who had done a lot for the struggle against the dictatorship and for the restoration of democracy in Guyana.  He is no drug trafficker.

I wish to note that searches at the airport may not necessarily be politically driven. Several times during my departure at CJIA, after the x-ray processing, I was taken aside by CANU inspectors and had my handbags searched. On two recent occasions, my name was announced over the public address system, just prior to the boarding of flights, to accompany CANU officials for inspection of “suspicious packages” in my checked luggage.  I did not view such actions as harassment or politically driven.  To me, the CANU inspectors were simply doing their job in a routine inspection and one should not be offended by their search if done with respect and courtesy.

However, targeting passengers based on their political affiliation without just reason, must be condemned. CANU needs to clarify what led to or happened during the Hinds inspection on June 14.  And since the government was accused of wrongdoing, it also needs to respond.

Yours faithfully,
Vishnu Bisram