Kudzu extract may treat cocaine addiction-study

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – An extract of the kudzu vine  being developed to treat alcoholism may also help treat cocaine  addiction, researchers at Gilead Siences Inc reported yesterday.

Tests on rats showed the drug could stop them from giving  themselves cocaine, the Gilead team reported in the journal  Nature Medicine.

Gilead inherited the experimental drug last year when it  acquired CV Therapeutics Inc.

“There is no effective treatment for cocaine addiction  despite extensive knowledge of the neurobiology of drug  addiction,” Lina Yao, Ivan Diamond and colleagues wrote.

Kudzu is an old remedy for alcoholism. The vine, native to  Asia, has spread across much of the U.S. Southeast after being  imported to control soil erosion.

CV Therapeutics made a synthetic extract called selective  aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 inhibitor or ALDH2i. It carries the  experimental name CVT-10216.

Tests on rats showed it could stop them from giving  themselves cocaine. It can also prevent relapse after rats are  weaned off cocaine.

They found how it works — by raising levels of a compound  called tetrahydropapaveroline or THP. Cocaine cravings make  levels of a brain chemical called dopamine soar and THP  interferes with this.