A nation of the deaf

Dear Editor,

Last week, the GNBS released information on noise standards (SN, August 19) for various categories, including residential and recreational receptors. It is these two sections I am very much concerned about.

Persons residing near the National Stadium would have had their peace disturbed for two successive nights last Friday and Saturday, when two overseas artistes were performing. I ask the question: Which authority monitors these public events and what does the police permit indicate with regard to the noise levels (decibels)? I have read repeated complaints from citizens about noise from the sea wall on Sunday afternoons, concerts at the Starlite Drive-in and others, some of which the Ministry of Home Affairs has investigated and referred to the police for further action, but I have not read of any prosecution. (I apologize if such did occur.)

Georgetown, formerly known as the Garden City, has been violated with commercial activities in almost every street, and now the invasion of noise nuisance from the above, including motor cars, leaves me with the impression that we  have become a nation of the deaf in a world of noise without regard for our fellow man.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)