Letter was libellous

Dear Editor,

Please be advised that a malicious and libellous attack has been launched against me and my place of employment, UG, using the letter columns. This attack is being spearheaded by someone associated with UG. A letter under the name of Professor Vijay Kumar, titled ‘The $41m question,’ has already appeared in the GC and the KN. I have e-mailed the Professor to determine if he is aware that his good name is being attached to these letters.

Please note that the GC has today published an apology to me for publishing the ‘The $41m question’ letter, after I threatened legal action for the libellous statements against me. The KN version has (wisely and properly) edited out my name, but still allowed in several wild and foul allegations.  

Editor, I have no problem being the subject of public scrutiny as a Dean (now former) of the University of Guyana. I am an advocate of transparency and accountability. I am sure the university itself likewise has no difficulty in accepting constructive and genuine criticisms of its operations. 

I am only making you aware of this campaign which is motivated not by an interest in seeing a better UG, but by a personal vendetta against me and the organisation. This is a campaign driven by the childlishness and bitterness of one man. 

Yours faithfully,
Sherwood Lowe