Cents were abolished by statute

Dear Editor,
I no longer believe that Mr Rajendra Rampersaud is engaging in a coherent, sensible discussion. He writes a letter (‘Ram’s analysis in relation to the exchange rate was flawed’ SN, October 27) in which he refers to “fifty Guyana cents.” I pointed out that “cents” as part of Guyana’s currency had been abolished by statute (‘Business Page statement derived from Bank of Guyana report’ SN, October 29). Obviously forgetting or not understanding my point, he then volunteered the information that the Bank of Guyana had long before 1998 withdrawn cents by way of a circular! (‘Exchange rate movements cited by Mr Ram were taken into consideration under the Real Exchange Effective Rate’ SN, November 1)

I must therefore withdraw from further engagement with Mr Rampersaud who thinks others’ “conclusions are based on superficial feelings and political spin in total disregard for fundamentals.” I am not interested in his brand of fundamentals.

Yours faithfully,
Christopher Ram