Thank you to the doctors at Leonora Cottage Hospital

Dear Editor,

On Tuesday I was bitten by a centipede (a 7” monster), an experience I will never like to re-live. I always heard of how painful centipede bites could be and as a result of this, the sight of centipedes brings immense panic and fear in my mind.

I heard of how a centipede bite can cause shock, nausea, palpitations, anxiety and rapid perspiration. Yes, all of this is true, I felt like anytime soon I would collapse. This experience is one that you can live without.

The pain was so strong that I cannot imagine what to compare it with.

Well my experience began around 6:20 pm. I must have stepped on this monster because the first thing I remember is the feeling of something grabbing hold of my big toe with a piercing sensation.

Fearing for the worse I shook the creature off my foot and then I saw it, it was long, fat and dark-red. It quickly fled under my car. As the pains began to kick-in, the first thing I did was to call my doctor, Dr. Chatteurdeo. The doctor quickly calmed me down by saying “it is not poisonous and you will not die”.

In agonizing pain I drove about six kilometres to the Leonora Cottage Hospital. The doctors there on duty quickly took me in and got the situation under control. Two injections and oral pain killers took me out of my misery. I am now fine (12 hours later and no pains or complications).

In summation, I will first like to say “thank you” to the doctors at the Leonora Cottage Hospital and to Dr. Chatteurdeo for most priceless service.

Secondly, have full respect for centipedes everywhere.

Yours faithfully,
Girendra Persaud