Miner chopped over food request

A 24-year-old miner on Friday evening lost a piece of his left ear allegedly after he asked the cook at the mining camp where he is employed at Imbamaidai Backdam, Upper Mazaruni for some food.

Speaking from his bed in the Male Surgical Ward of the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH), Kenny Matthews, of Chinowieng, told Stabroek News that on the day in question, at around 6 pm he approached the cook and requested some food. The man said the cook responded that “he nah cook today”, to which Matthews pleaded that he was feeling hungry. In response, he claimed, the cook used a series of expletives and told him to “bring you wife to cook”.

Matthews claimed he told the cook that he cannot bring his wife in there to cook and walked away, but was followed by his assailant, who dealt him chops to his left side forehead and ear. Matthews was immediately rushed to the GPH, where he received treatment until yesterday, when he was discharged. The miner said that as a result of his injury he is unable to hear properly in his left ear.

The suspect is currently in police custody.