Letter was unfair

Dear Editor,

I refer to a letter written by Karen de Souza and others of the Red Thread organisation which appeared in your issue of Friday, April 6 last (‘No response from Police Complaints Authority, et al’).

I would have expected that a comment would have been sought of my office by your newspaper before the publication of the letter.

The actual situation, however, is that the letter by Ms de Souza and others was received by this office on Friday March 30, and a reply thereto was sent out by post on Wednesday, April 4, 2012. Was it the expectation of Red Thread that I should have dropped whatever I was doing and reply immediately to their letter? Mach 30 was a Friday and the following two days were the weekend, (non-working days).

My reply was posted out on Wednesday, April 4.

Surely, therefore, there was no undue delay on my part.

I consider the letter by Ms de Souza and others as being most unfair to this office as the impression might have been created that no attention was being given to their letter.

Yours faithfully,
C C Kennard
Police Complaints Authority