Organisational confusion attends the Mayor and City Councillors

Dear Editor

With great respect, one cannot help but remark on the organisational confusion which attends the Mayor and City Councillors, Georgetown, and their implementors (or tormentors?).

The indecisiveness which pervades the appointments of actors and actresses in this institution is palpable, particularly against the forgotten background of the vacancies that were advertised in SN of May 2, 2010 for the positions of: A. Town Clerk; and B. City Treasurer.  For some reason no explanation has ever been forthcoming, at least to the public, regarding the non-productivity of the recruitment process.  Whatever the reason therefor, there can now be no justification for not re-engaging candidates for these and other vacated positions.

It is difficult to understand what the current decision-makers hope to achieve, and for how long, by trying to fill an increasingly larger hole, with increasingly depleted (human) materials. It is hardly a scenario that would fill the citizenry of Georgetown with confidence in the efficacy of this diminished institution.

Yours faithfully,
E B John