Neville Annibourne will be remembered for his simplicity, decency and professionalism

Dear Editor,

I write to express my condolences on the passing of Neville Annibourne, whom I met several times in Georgetown during the struggle for the restoration of democracy in the 1990s (at GUARD meetings, press conferences, etc) as well as at political rallies after 1992 whenever I visited Guyana from my teaching breaks.  He was a fine reporter and photographer. He loved to talk and was nice and pleasant towards others.

We had several exchanges on the politics of Guyana and he was fulsome in praise of Dr Cheddi and Mrs Janet Jagan’s commitment to the working class and their incorruptible honesty. He was disappointed with governance during the authoritarian era. We met again last year at a book launch and he expressed concern about governance in recent years as well as the nasty tone of debate in parliament since the 2011 elections. Annibourne felt the parties needed to cooperate and work together for the benefit of the nation rather than constantly attack each other.

Annibourne will be remembered for his simplicity, decency, respectability and professionalism.

Yours faithfully,
Vishnu Bisram