Region Two police have not arrested arson suspects

Dear Editor,

A fire during last week destroyed the interior of my six-bedroom guest house at Charity Housing Scheme with losses running in the vicinity of between $10 to 15 million.

But judging from the sloppy investigation being conducted by the police in my Region 2 district, it is now clear to me that the two prime suspects are being provided with an opportunity to flee the jurisdiction so as to avoid having to face prosecution for such a serious offence. There is overwhelming evidence that one of the suspects in setting the building on fire after saturating it with gasoline was severely burnt about his body and my own investigative work was responsible for him being captured in his sister’s home in the Charity Housing Scheme.

From his own explanation to me in the process of throwing gasoline onto the building, some of it came in contact with his clothing which also caught fire simultaneously.

His accomplice is someone known from the Charity squatting area and he is boasting of his good contacts with the police who will protect him. For whatever reason the police have not yet instituted arson charges against the two suspects, and this is very baffling causing serious public outrage about the ugly situation.  From all appearances when the time comes for this to be done,  the cry by then will be ‘too late,’ and their whereabouts will be unknown.

After ranks had visited the scene with the fire already extinguished, they did not seem to be interested in doing any investigative work or even have me provide vital information for them; it was just useless as it was ignored.

It is an unfair situation for criminals to be allowed to be on the rampage much to the detriment of the society, and worse yet for law enforcement to shirk the responsibility of doing their job in a responsible and efficient manner.

Justice needs to be served, and these two arsonists should face the consequences of their actions as provided by law.

Yours faithfully,
Burley Burnette

Editor’s note

We are sending a copy of this letter to Commissioner of Police (ag) Leroy Brumell for any comment he might wish to make.