The country has come a long way when it comes to freedom of the press

Dear Editor,

Regardless of the ranking Guyana may have on the global Press Freedom Index, few can deny that the country has come a long way when it comes to freedom of press and freedom of expression.

Those of us who have been around long enough would know of the days when opposition media, especially the print media were denied newsprint to publish owing to import restrictions. Even when newsprint was donated to the opposition press from overseas donors, the regime bluntly refused to allow such newsprint to come into the country.

Not only was newsprint denied the opposition media but all manner of censorship and controls were instituted to prevent free and unbiased coverage of the news. This was particularly true of the state owned Guyana Chronicle. Journalists who dared to write in an unbiased and objective manner were harassed and victimized.

Today the media landscape has changed markedly. There is no interference by the state in the work of the independent media which is free to publish any information, however critical to the government.


Yours faithfully,
Hydar Ally