More ‘gibberish’

Dear Editor,

I saw a letter in the SN of January 28, 2014. I read it once, twice, thrice, and lo and behold! I’m not getting it, so I had to conclude, boy you are definitely out of your league here; this letter wasn’t meant for people of your ilk.

There was an invisible sign placed midway in the letter which I didn’t see until my third attempt; it read – well, not really, but in my mind I saw, “Here within laymen dare not dwell; not for those slow on the uptake.”

It reminded me of an article written some time back by your Sunday columnist Dr Ian McDonald entitled ‘Gibberish.’ Here a passage from it: “Indeed dialectical critical realism may be seen under the aspect of Foucauldian strategic reversal – of the unholy trinity of Parmenidean/ Platonic/Aristotelian provenance; of the Cartesian-Lockean-Humean-Kantian paradigm, of foundationalisms (in practice, fideistic foundationlism) and irrationalisms (in practice, capricious exercises of will-to-power or some other ideologically and/or psychosomatically buried source) new and old alike; of the primordial failings of western philosophy, ontological monovalence and its close ally, the epistemic fallacy with its ontic dual; of the analytic…” As you can see dear reader, this is not the end; according to McDonald it went on some 55 words more.

Now I just wrote the words down paying keen attention not to misspell them, not understanding a single word, but you know what? I don’t feel bad about myself, no way! Glad I’m not that ‘clever.’

Boy oh boy, I tell you, some folks are so damn smart it makes you wonder if at times they are not dazzled and derailed by their brilliance.

Yours faithfully,

Frank Fyffe