Noise from church disturbing neighbours

Dear Editor,

I wish to highlight a disturbing situation in my neighbourhood (No 53 Village, Corentyne, Berbice) that has been continuing for a number of years. I am exasperated with this lawlessness.

For quite some time I have been making reports to the No 51 Police Station about the nuisance, but to date no action has been taken.

Deafening noise from the No 53 Harvest Assembly Church is disrupting my tranquillity and is intolerable; the Pastor and members must consider the people who live next to them and respect their peace. I believe God is not deaf and certainly doesn’t need people shouting over a PA system for him to listen.  People should pray while knowing that what they are saying is personal between them and God.

I am quite sure that even God would not be pleased when churches disrupt other people’s well-being.

Yours faithfully,

Devon Anthony Layne

Editor’s note

We sent a copy of this letter to the No 53 Harvest Assembly Church for any comment they might wish to make and received the following response from Pastor Vibert Welch:

 “I wish to state that the letter came as a total surprise to the members of the church.

“Our church is a small one and our motto is peace, love and togetherness. Our church has a keyboard and a drum set which are played only for Sunday morning worship for one hour and fifteen minutes. And many weeks as we arrive for service Mr Devon Anthony Layne plays his music set loudly with all kinds of vulgar songs, and members of the church do go across to speak to him about the type of music he is playing that disturbs the church. On one occasion Rev Neville Williams who was invited for a special service had the cause to go over and speak to him without any success. Because our church is a peaceful church we did not complain to the police, but put our trust in the hands of God through prayers.”