We must put the past behind us

Dear Editor,

The people have spoken. Let their will be done!

I exhort my fellow countrymen to accept the decision of the majority and to allow the newly elected government to get on with the task of reconstructing a new Guyana from the ashes of the past. Let us help them to build a new Guyana where all Guyanese, regardless of race, colour, gender, religious/moral/spiritual persuasion and sexual orientation will have the opportunity to pursue their talents and skills and to fulfil their potential optimally.

We must put the past behind us and not indulge in recrimination, finger-pointing and witch-hunting.   While we acknowledge the importance of recognizing how the present is shaped by the past, it would be futile to linger on the misdeeds of the past. Instead, let the abominations of the past strengthen our resolve to ensure that this country is never caught again in such a web of deceit, self-aggrandizement and corruption as we have been forced to live through.

While recognizing that change cannot happen overnight, we expect the new government to honour its campaign promises to effect change and to remember that it is accountable to the people, not only their supporters, but all Guyanese.   The Coalition has demonstrated that it is possible to achieve inclusiveness.


Yours faithfully,
Marilyne Trotz