Ramjattan, Trotman and the late Ms Holder started the movement that ended in victory

Dear Editor,

With all the euphoria our people who supported the coalition feel about our victory, I think it is prudent to remind the nation where this unity movement started and by whom.

Lest we forget, it was former House Speaker and PNCR member, Mr Raphael Trotman; former PPP/C stalwart, Mr Khemraj Ramjattan; and former WPA member, the late Ms Sheila Holder who started the movement that resulted in this victory. These men and woman turned their backs on the parties they served because they maybe were not comfortable with how the parties were conducting business. They then forged an alliance that successfully created a third force that had the support of all ethnicities. They should have bestowed on them a national honour for they are honourable persons.

To further justify my classification of Messrs Ramjattan and Trotman (Ms Holder should really have been here today) as being honourable persons, they unselfishly promoted the Prime Minister, Mr Moses Nagamootoo ahead of themselves for the good of our country. These are patriots who deserve no less than the highest national awards available.

I wish to take this opportunity to personally thank Mr Ramjattan, Mr Trotman and the late Mrs Holder for having the courage and fortitude to buck the trend and cause the change we have today. I humbly and sincerely thank them.

Yours faithfully,

John London