Despite floods, Dharm Shala presses on with humanitarian mission

In the midst of the floodwaters that swamped Albouystown last week, the Dharm Shala continues to carry out the mission it has been on for 90 years.

The Dharm Shala building
The Dharm Shala building

According to Administrator Kella Ramsaroop, the ‘Home of Benevolence for all races,’ located at 140 King Edward and Sussex Streets, was also under water due to the heavy downpours and the malfunctioning of the Sussex Street koker.

The home cares for elderly, poor and needy persons.

Despite the flooding, Ramsaroop said everything was under control and the seniors at the home were well taken care of. She stated that the only difficulty she experienced was moving the residents to the upper ward of the building, which they all opposed since they were more comfortable in the lower flat despite the water level.

During the flood, former president Bharrat Jadgeo as well as current government officials visited. Because of the water level, Ramsaroop said she was unable to interact with Jadgeo, who visited the wards nevertheless. She did, however, meet with Social Protection Minister Volda Lawrence along with a team from her ministry during a visit by them. When they asked if the home needed any assistance, she requested some items to clean out the surroundings of the building after the water receded. This, Ramsaroop noted, was delivered to her door late yesterday afternoon by the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) and she was fully appreciative. The items included long boots, bleach and soap powder.

Safina Bacchus
Safina Bacchus
Stanley Leacock
Stanley Leacock

When this newspaper visited Albouystown yesterday, the water level had dropped but certain parts were still flooded. However, the water had receded from the yard of the Dharm Shala, where the residents were relaxing as lunch was being prepared by the caretakers.

Shirley Bissoon, who has been residing at the home for almost a year, said she began to stay at the Dharm Shala after she was neglected by her family. Most residents gave a similar reason for their presence at the home. Bissoon said since the flood, she has experienced terrible pain in her feet, which she thinks was caused because of her exposure to the floodwater. She added that although she was happy that some government officials visited, she is requesting that the authorities do something so they can stop experiencing regular flooding as soon as possible.

 Shirley Bissoon
Shirley Bissoon

Stanley Leacock, who has been residing at the Dharm Shala for the past 12 years, said he wants the authorities to permanently fix the Sussex Street koker so the flooding can cease. The man, who suffered a stroke some time ago, noted that every time it rains, it floods and it is because of the koker.

Safina Bacchus, one of the oldest residents, constantly complained of feeling cold and wanted to go home with her visiting niece yesterday. Her behaviour was attributed to the pains she experiences during the flooding. She said she is tired of the constant flooding and no one seems intent on fixing the koker.

The views of a majority of the other residents were similar.