Bedford Building to be torn down

Twenty vendors at Bourda Street will have to be relocated temporarily to facilitate the demolition of the Bedford Building, the City Council said in a statement yesterday.

The council added that the building has been unsafe for a number of years and poses a threat to the lives of passers-by and occupants of neighbouring buildings.

A call was issued for persons who have abandoned structures to remove them, since they serve as a haven for criminals and persons of unsound mind, the council said.

Bedford Building
Bedford Building

Some vendors were not too pleased with the temporary relocation, however, the council said that town clerk, Royston King, was adamant and said the current administration would not allow them to sell in an unsafe environment. The council said it recognises the financial factors affecting citizens, but urged them to co-operate during the demolition process.


The clerk of the Market Simone Mc-Kend Charles has identified two other locations where vendors can be accommodated, the council said.