Good officers are the peacekeepers who stand between us and those who would harm us

Dear Editor,

The following words are intended as comfort for the family of slain Police Constable Antonio Dawson.

This passage is the daily reading for Sunday 20th September 2015, of the Episcopal (Anglican) Church Magazine ‘Forward Day by Day’.

Mark 9:35. “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all the servant of all.”

When I began thinking about humble service, I envisioned first the grace-filled work of Mother Teresa and then the often-thankless work of police officers.

On the streets of Calcutta, Mother Teresa cared tirelessly for those in need. On the streets of America (and Guyana), the care of those in need ‒ the victims of crime and neglect ‒ usually falls first on our police.

The majority of police officers live out their lives in humble and honourable service. They leave for work each day, knowing that they may never return home. Yet, they still go, even when those they serve reject them.

Good officers are the peacekeepers who stand between us and those who would harm us. I wish that no one had to do their job, but until we reach the peaceable kingdom, it seems someone must.

God bless the men and women who strive to serve and protect us.

Yours faithfully,
David H J Dewar