More cohesive presentation needed on vision for public service

Dear Editor,

On the basis of the highlights in the media of submissions made to the Commission of Inquiry into the Public Service, one could not help but feel a sense of a diffusion of views on the management of the service contributed so far by the various Permanent Secretaries – to the extent that some readers and viewers may be left to wonder how these perspectives could be fused into a single coherent vision. For this is what the COI is mostly about. Over and above the mundane ‘fixing’ of salaries and benefits, it is expected to compose a vision for the Public Service of Guyana in the 21st century – with a structure that is comparable with more advanced models regionally and elsewhere; and that can readily respond to international standards.

It is against this background that the case can be argued for a more cohesive presentation to be made by this group of officials, made up of long serving traditionals, medium and short term contracted Permanent Secretaries.

Such an approach would require the Commissioners to organise a forum at which the latter can focus on specific issues affecting the Public Service and make appropriate recommendations to be integrated into a strategic plan that will translate the vision into programmes of enabling activities.

From this perspective such an exercise would not only save time, but the convergence of views should help to inform the substance of new and revised position descriptions; and importantly a code of consistency in discharging the responsibilities of Permanent Secretaries.

Perhaps most importantly the suggested forum can construct a more definitive strategy for training and development in order to assure potential for growth in a modernised Public Service.

Yours faithfully,

E.B. John