A smokescreen

Dear Editor,

Interesting that the ex-Head-of-State and ex-PPP boss stepped forward to report that his party is firm on two-term presidential limits. On the face of it, this is the most unambiguous contribution from Mr Ramotar (and the PPP) on any issue in a long time. What does it mean? And, this being the PPP, what else could it mean?

It might indicate that the party’s reasoning apparatus is gaining the ascendancy; that the remnant of pivotal rational people is discovering some courage, and learning to stand on their own feet, and to stand by heartfelt convictions.

Now I must be clear: I do not think that the full weight of support is behind this whole two term business. It is a nice appealing cover story, and has a comforting democratic ring. Regardless, I think that this is more of a reflection of the critical juncture at which some in the party have arrived. That is, current leadership (in the form of the opposition leader) is under close scrutiny, if not severe misgivings and attacks.

I believe that, finally, the party brass realizes that the helmsman is an albatross, and represents bleak prospects for any hopes of an early return to power. To be very blunt: he is a risk not worth the taking; he is anathema to the party’s chances, and he is all of a losing proposition. That just might be the belated inside view.

Under normal circumstances, and dealing with regular folks, the foregoing should be enough. This being, however, the distrusted, non-credible PPP, there are always three sides to its coins, especially those coming out of the blue in the manner of Trojan Horses. Recall that second question from the first paragraph: And this being the PPP, what else could it mean?

Well, it could mean that none of the aforementioned thoughts have entered into the decision-making mechanism of the party. Rather, the leader’s dominance and grip is still intact and complete; and the others look to him for political resurgence. Thus, this two-term limit spit bubble is really a smokescreen with new players in a new time. Go back in time, and there was Janet Jagan and her manoeuvres for power and the top spot. There is the early blueprint, plus the local Medevevian precedent of the past five years. It is why and how I see this announcement from the PPP for what it really is – one more stratagem.

This is how I interpret this palaver about being firm on two-term limits. For the next electoral go-around, there will be a different face, with Mr you-know-who as prime ministerial candidate. Except that the figurehead presidential body bows out early for any reason such as health, pressures of office, new interests, or a sudden desire to take up golfing.

Editor, worse things have happened here, so this is not as extreme as it sounds, and the party has proved itself more than capable of such thinking first, followed by later implementation.

My conclusion: this is what it is – a smokescreen for purely massaging purposes.

Yours faithfully,
GHK Lall