Is more business done between 2am and 4am than earlier?

Dear Editor,

I read in the papers that the Private Sector Commission, comprising people who should have knowledge in business, is asking the Minister to change the curfew time for rum shops, restaurants, bars and night clubs from 2am to 4am, or else they may need to close shop. Does this mean that there is more business done between 2am to 4am? This baffles me. Only the drug-pushing business will make a difference. We know that it is from 7pm to 12am that most legitimate business (in restaurants and bars) is conducted. You can see the number of patrons diminishing after 12 am.

I would suggest that the Minister establish the curfew at 12am in order to minimize crime, especially during the holiday period. It is better to save lives. This Minister is innocently being blamed for not controlling crime within 6 months, but the seeds of crime were sown and fostered for more than 23 years.

Yours faithfully,
Joe Persaud