Why was the ‘Pergola’ omitted from the clean-up?

Dear Editor,

The ‘Pergola’ was financed by six institutions under the umbrella of the Cooperative Financial Administration during the 1980s and was dedicated to the memory of the late Shirley Field-Ridley for her sterling performance as a former minister of the government. She was also the former wife of the current Mayor of Georgetown.

20160103PERGOLA PROMENADE (saved in email)Over the years it was the haven for vagrants of all sorts and was subjected to all types of solid waste.

I have noticed that in the recent clean-up exercise of the Merriman Mall this structure seems to have been omitted by the municipal authorities as grass and unsightly debris can still be seen desecrating the edifice.

The Mayor and City Councillors ought to hang their heads in shame as they certainly cannot have any excuse for not maintaining this monument over the years.

Yours faithfully,

Alex Edwards