Youngsters have iguanas strung up for sale near the Corentyne markets

Dear Editor,

I have read with much interest, Ms Syeada Manbodh’s letter in your column on January 11, captioned ‘Government should do more to protect wildlife and domestic animals’.

I must say that I share her views on the cruelty to our animals. I had cause to travel to Berbice over the weekend and was most appalled at the sight in the market areas where there were these youngsters who had iguanas tied up for sale in the vicinity of Skeldon and Port Mourant Markets. It was so sad to see these poor things being strung on strings in the hot sun; and the sun was hot indeed.

The journey was sorrowful because there were so many dead animals on the roadways and so many more wandering around. There is so much work to be done to care for these animals and to preserve the ones that are being hunted down.

The great Mahatma Gandhi once said “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way that its animals are treated.”

There should be laws against the mistreatment of all wildlife and domestic animals in Guyana.

Editor, Ms Manbodh and so many other animal lovers have been writing over the years, voicing their opinion and appealing to government to have laws implemented to safeguard our animals, and very little has been done to date. I do hope that someone in authority now will take the time to read our letters, try to understand our plea and have measures put in place to stop the cruelty to all animals.

I am humbly appealing to all in higher authority to kindly take note and actually do something to save our animals.

Yours faithfully,
Peggy Singh