Public assistance in Linden needs clear and fair guidelines

Dear Editor,

Whichever ministry Public Assistance comes under where Linden is concerned, I think there is need to revisit its operation.  Judging from reports/stories being uttered around, I’ll say there is every need for new attention, for there are stories told with respect to Public Assistance that are not so pleasing.  Public Assistance as the name implies is a people’s programme in service of unfortunate folks and not a private matter nor does it rest solely within the arms of any individual/group put in charge.  Thus the public as of right need to know, be properly informed of its function in a plain and simple manner so that there be no confusion and doubts.  They need to be satisfied and assured that it is being operated as formulated with impartiality – democracy style.  There are folks who are complaining of unfair selection/non-selection, wrong dealings, nepotism, favouritism etc. Just what are the requirements, the criterion for one receiving Public Assistance? Let there be some clarity by the ministry with responsibility for this programme.  People talk of a judgment call being made by officers on appearance, if this is so then it is most ridiculous that decisions are made on a surface guess: “look how he big and strong, why he don’t guh and look fuh wuk”. How can you know for sure of one’s medical condition except by a medical report or “she gat three child fathers – is wha wrang with she, how deh suddenly disappear”.  Come on! there are ways of knowing those in real need, we cannot make a judgement call on what appears to be, remember appearances can be deceiving – what you see is not always what it is.  Still I’m, willing to wager – pennies to pins – that on careful examination one is likely to discover folks who have a legitimate entitlement are being overlooked for some that aren’t up to scratch – as invariably happens when there are chinks in a system.

Editor and dear readers I beg of you to munch on this for a moment.  A young man who was badly injured while at work was “laid-up” for sometime – a broken leg that took operations.  A single parent with two children between 5 and 12 years old, he applies for Public Assistance while he hobbles around doing piecemeal work and other odds and ends to survive on.  After some trips to the Public Assistance office he became somewhat despondent.  Upon inquiry as to the state of his affairs the Public Assistance Officer said that his application was submitted in June/July of 2015, but like said above since he has been running up and down the question was asked, why then have him back and forth, being told to “keep checking” when they knew fully well that there was nothing there slated for him?  Why have him fooled – this is nothing short of disrespect.  However he was told to return and have the matter re-examined, which he did and was told once more to “check back”.  And so again he did in September, October, November and in December they said to him that they were busy attending to the elderly – distributing pension books – so then come in January 2016.  Once again he complied and was put through that same old charade and that boring and annoying refrain “check back”.  Boy oh boy! when he showed up in February they gave him a slip and sent him to some other place that took his name and phone number, so that whenever there is an opening for a job/employment “we will call you”.  Then finally the officer informed him that there are many others in need of Public Assistance who are in front of him – thus his situation is indefinite.  And so he continues running around to make ends meet.  Frustrated as he is he will be returning for that Public Assistance in March, for he desperately needs it.   Lord have mercy! This is definitely not the way a proper/efficient system is managed – can never be, it is most ridiculous, it just doesn’t add-up, no wonder people are complaining.  Further, some people seem to forget that the monies given for public assistance are not from the pockets of those placed in charge neither is it always at their discretion.  This is why there must be clear guidelines and principles and most importantly done with a human face.   But there is no way a Government public programme should be under a cloud.  And by the way why should Public Assistance be restricted to children up to 14 years? Is a 14 year old an adult legally entitled to seek employment?! There is a popular saying that Linden folks are a different set of people.  One reason for so saying is because so many things in this part of Guyana seem to go on without any standard set of rules, order and principle conforming to or in harmony with a disciplined system, anything goes, people in authority do as they please – everyone a power unto themselves.  Thus the town runs like anarchy, a real cowboy town, and people “teking it”.  Thing is, this town has been left like this for too long, sometimes it’s like dotishness, life and living can be a real joke, no one in authority comes to see that things are in order and listen to the people except only at their own convenience to see about their interest/support.  Trouble is – this town has too many little Caesars.

Yours faithfully,
Frank Fyffe