Noise nuisance from World Bank country office

Dear Editor,

I am once again seeking the intervention of a public medium to reach my neighbour, the World Bank Country Office.

Despite my several attempts to reach someone at the Office to discuss the inconvenience caused to me by their groundskeeper’s use of a mechanical leaf blower, I am met with, not only apathy, but blatant continuance. The loud noise begins from as early as 08:00h every single working day, and disrupts the quiet enjoyment of my home as well as that of my tenants, on whose rent I depend to meet my living expenses.

While I understand the need to tidy the compound of an international organisation to upkeep a corporate image, I cannot sympathise with the need for a noisy instrument that could easily be replaced by a broom. Moreover, the Office’s imposing tree garden includes a coconut tree, which hangs over our shared fence to loom above my home and block my rain gutters with its debris – debris that I am forced to clear at my own expense.

This is also not the first time that I am inconvenienced by this inconsideration by the Country Office – and I am truly disappointed by their similar dismissive response to an issue that they are well aware affects their neighbours. Indeed, it would be very remiss of me not to remind the global charitable organisation that charity begins at home.

I hope that this letter can finally be read by the relevant authorities in the Country Office so that an amicable solution may be reached as soon as practicable.

Yours faithfully,
Chandra Dhanraj