Obnoxious duck farm at Good Hope

Dear Editor,

I would like the relevant authorities to investigate this unpleasant duck farm that is next to me in Good Hope Phase 1 on the East Coast of Demerara. Having made numerous reports to the authorities like the NDC, RDC and EPA I was told that they will look into it. I would like to know what kind of person goes out and opens a duck farm where he is rearing close to a thousand ducks and not care about its effects on his neighbour, particularly in a community where it is populated. The stench of this duck farm is unbearable to the extent that it’s smelling in your bedroom and on many occasions we have had to lock the windows, pull the blinds down and even use a pillow to cover our noses since it is very nasty.

We have spoken to these people on numerous occasions but they are determined not to do anything about it. An inspector from the sanitary came to inspect but we know these people were tipped off because they would clean up just before the inspector arrived and then the smell comes back. Think about having to raise children, invite guests, have functions and friends over only to be greeted by one of the worst stenches from this duck farm which I consider illegal since you cannot have a large farm in a neighbourhood and I am not sure if they have a pass to do so either. They cannot do this kind of business at the expense of other people’s health. We are not prepared to endure this kind of inhumane condition since we are law abiding citizens and want what everyone wants that is to be able to live comfortably in our home, breathe fresh air and be able to sit on our verandah and not have to rush in back to close the doors. A large duck farm like this needs to be closed down or relocated to a place where it cannot affect people.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address supplied)