Ramjattan supports background checks for private security firms

Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan says he supports “on-going checks” of private security services to ensure that they are in conformity with the regulations that govern the sector, GINA said.

The Ministry of Public Security through the Police is responsible for regularising the sector, and issuing licences to private security service providers.

Ramjattan, responding to questions from the media recently on the issue, said he would like to initiate “brand new checks” on security firms during the annual renewal of licences. “We have some people who we did not make checks on and because the company got the licence we don’t know of some of these characters, that is why it is necessary that for the renewal of the licence every year, I intend to do checks, brand new checks on all those persons,” Ramjattan said.

Acting Police Commissioner David Ramnarine told GINA that random checks are often carried out to ensure that the private security sector is in conformity with the Private Security Services Act.

“There may and can be slippages, and that is why a security service may be checked more than once a year,” the Commissioner told GINA in an invited comment on Tuesday.