Corruption and scandals: Probable participants

Whether the reason or cause is personal economic hardship, innate disrespect for honesty and the law, greed or some disdain for (hard) work, there are parents or guardians who will knowingly accept stolen items generated by their younger relations.

These older persons – identified or not- are automatically receivers of stolen goods. They are as guilty as the actual thieves. No receivers or market, less thieves. Similarly, the accountants who fiddle books for employers or clients, auto mechanics who spray over and re-model stolen vehicles are themselves being criminal.

The above suffices to illustrate that the crime of theft in all its varied forms, has to have actors at varying levels. The Americans advise that “If you see something, say something”. Not in my Guyana of recent decades. Reasons? Little trust is there for a politicized, unprofessional Police Force; Corrupt, discriminatory practices were normal in the corridors of power – government and elsewhere and  illegalities promoted wealth and new role models for a new generation bereft of old time values and morality. Indeed corruption and immorality now thrive. Whether you can prove it in a court of law or not.

Within that context now, even with a government now led by someone without any trace or baggage related to corruption or theft from the public purse, do you think that the newer power-players will not succumb to temptation? Codes of conduct? As I’ll observe in my next topic today, high officials who transgress are now much more likely to get caught! Partly because of the higher standards of both behaviour and scrutiny now expected. But let me conclude with my lead caption’s indications.


Corruption’s participants, beneficiaries
Some “participants” might be innocent pawns, unknowingly extending some form of assistance in the execution of a corrupt scheme. Perhaps just “doing their job” but being manipulated. Frankly Speaking, to me most players are willingly complicit, part of a plan which, invariably, will make them beneficiaries.

Why do you think even the educated, the professional, the “businessman” will still vote for the past opposition hierarchy? They now enjoy and cannot forget the gains of being the beneficiaries of the recent corruptocracy and kleptocracy. Sometimes I conclude that for those participants and conspirators it wasn’t even race or party, just the corrupt thievery, a means to a wealthy end.

A corrupt practice will involve or attract many participants. The person who gets some visa through influence, the drug Baron who pays numerous underlings, the businessman who “sweetens” the customs officer- “All are involved.” The cancer threatens to be national! You get the drift? Poor President.


“Thief-man nah like see…”
Living up to my liking for our folkloric creole proverbs, last week I employed “Since beg-pardon come in, lil bhai mash big-man toe.” Today I present: “Tiefman nah like see e mattee wid bag”.

I use this “thief-man” saying to illustrate a serious point contained in my lead issue just above. But since I’ve never attracted any unnecessary legal action against this paper in 23 years I have to be very cautious at my age and stage. Because the proverb is very “loaded”. More than meets the eyes and ear.

Normally, the interpretation is – that a seasoned thief never trusts his “colleague-thief”-friend with a bag. He always suspects that his competitor/rival, even his sometimes-friend, has beaten him to some loot. Booty which might have been a common objective for both of them.

Now I do not dare apply this proverb to Government and Opposition in our land. I do not do so now. Full respect for government and political persons is hereby offered.

However, it would be fair to conclude, reasonable to assume, that the current opposition members, especially those who occupied governmental or other executive positions, became adept at detecting a whole array of wrong-doing during their years of rule and reign. If there were any slick – even open and crude- wrongdoers during their time, those wrongdoers would certainly know what is going wrong now; just what to look for, where to watch and likely wrong-doers now occupying positions of “opportunity.”

Like the proverb’s jealous, suspicious “thief”, today’s opposition watchers would know all the (potential) “moves”. Frankly Speaking they, using their accumulated “experience”, could now become excellent Anti- Corruption Police!


The 50% increase for our topmost executive public servants was meant to decrease temptation amongst them. Successful?

Retired public servants – pensioners – need consideration too. Don’t abandon them.

Convert the old Co-op Bank Building in Stabroek into a good Vendors Mall. Acquire it!

Til next week