The government must create opportunities for our youths

Dear Editor,

The current crime situation in Guyana is getting way out of hand and our authorities need to act swiftly. There is no doubt that some cases are being solved swiftly but that does not deter our criminals. Again, I say that the lack of job opportunities for the youths is one, just one, of the major contributing factors to the current rise in crime.

As a friend of mine says, “there is an unspoken 8pm curfew in Georgetown” whereas I say there is no curfew because robberies are being committed in broad daylight. Youths are patrolling the streets and neighbourhoods eying unsuspecting businesses and citizens and jumping them unexpectedly. I say youths, because most of these robberies are being committed by our young people and as a youth I feel troubled by this trend.

I have been robbed twice at knife point and both times it was at the hands of our youths. So when I say these robberies are being committed by our youths I speak based on my experiences. In both cases I’ve gone to the police, but all they did was to take a statement and say they would call if they find anything. It is this approach that discourages citizens from reporting crimes to the police and as a result they take matters into their own hands.

I do not support vigilante justice, but I do advocate that citizens defend their property from intruders. I was appalled when the President suggested that persons with firearm licences are renting their firearms to criminal elements. He went on to say that he wants to see fewer firearms in the hands of private citizens. Every time a young person dies as a result of committing a crime it upsets me, because it shows that we as a society and a country have failed them.

I am appealing to the government to please create better opportunities for our youths. If you want us to become self employed, as President Granger suggested, make it easier for us to access the financial resources that we need; make it easier for us to gain access to lands to set up our businesses; educate us on how to sustain our businesses and we promise you that we would capitalize on all those opportunities.

Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk as well.

Yours faithfully, 

Lakhram Bhagirat