Appellant in CCJ case

Dear Editor,

I am somewhat confused as to who is the Appellant in the article on pages 10 and 25 in yesterday’s edition on the CCJ ruling on the Black Bush Polder lease issue.

In the opening para the Appellant is named Raymond Joseph. In all ensuing paragraphs up to para 7 the Appellant is referred to as Joseph.

However in para  8 on page 10 the Appellant is named Thomas (“Both Thomas and Poonwah attended the offices…”).

From thereon on page 10 the Appellant is referred to as Thomas.

The continuation of the article on page 25 the Appellant is referred to as both Thomas and Joseph.

Confusing Editor and begs the question what is the correct name of the Appellant?

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed

Editor’s note: The name of the appellant is Raymond Joseph. The name was erroneously rendered as Thomas in sections of the news item. Stabroek News regrets the error.