There are signs of cultural, religious tolerance in some western nations

Dear Editor,

Developments in France and several other Western European countries such as Britain and Germany are pointing in the direction of a rise in right wing politics.  This is partly due to the influx of illegal migrants to western shores which is seen as a threat to nationals who are already reeling from the effects of high unemployment rates in some countries, and cuts in social spending.

It is an established fact that the Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump to the White House resulted to a large extent from a rise in nationalistic tendencies triggered by sense of insecurity that foreigners are taking over jobs. This is a dangerous trend which is being exploited by those in the right of the ideological spectrum for political gains, as is currently happening in France where the far-right candidate Le Pen is likely to gain a majority of the votes in the first round of the presidential elections.

The fear of immigrants and the rise of xenophobic tendencies are disturbing trends which are inconsistent with the norms of a civilized and enlightened society. Already there are disturbing signs of cultural and religious intolerance in some of the leading western nations which does not bode well for the future of humanity.

The time is perhaps ripe for the United Nations to convene an international summit involving world leaders on the issue of social cohesion, in an effort to nip in the bud this emerging scourge in contemporary society.

Yours faithfully,

Hydar Ally