Sleeping person not a member of city’s public relations division

Dear Editor,

I refer to the publication of a video via social media on February 12, 2019, by News Room. In that video the Public Relations Division became the whipping boy. I am extremely surprised that the reporter published the recording of a person sleeping and declared that the person is part of the Public Relations Division without verifying this information. This video is totally misleading.

The Public Relations Division wants to make it pellucid to every citizen that the person in the video is not a part of the Public Relations Division. It is rather unfortunate that the journalist who published this video did not take the time to find out who that person is, but rather sought to quickly associate this perceived negativity with the Public Relations Division. Simple checking would have pointed the reporter to the truth.  However, this points to the fact that truth is often sacrificed for sensationalism.

We are cognizant that the News Room has the right to carry a story from any angle, however, the   basis of good journalism ought to be observed and the right of every citizen to know the truth must be respected and upheld. Therefore, anything less than professional journalism would compromise the mission of News Room.

Yours faithfully,

Debra Lewis

Public Relations Officer,

Mayor and City Council