Alleged bull thief granted bail

Brian Robinson
Brian Robinson

A man accused of stealing a bull appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday and was granted bail after he denied the charge.

Brian Robinson appeared before Senior Magistrate Leron Daly and pleaded not guilty to the charge which stated that on August 11th at Georgetown, he stole a bull valued $180,000, the property of Abdul Azeez.

Facts regarding the matter were not stated in court. Police Prosecutor Richard Harris objected to bail being granted. He told the court that when Robinson was arrested, he told the police he had no address. However, Robinson told the magistrate that he has an address and he lied to the police because he did not want them to know his business.

Magistrate Daly granted bail in the sum of $50,000 on the condition that Robinson reports to the Ruimveldt Police Station every Monday until the completion of the trial.

The next court hearing for the matter will be on September 25th.