Trinidad: Strangers build home for ailing single mother

Church member Hayma Ali with Kathy Ann Devenish as work continues on her new home.
Church member Hayma Ali with Kathy Ann Devenish as work continues on her new home.

(Trinidad Guardian) Com­plete strangers have built a new home for an ail­ing sin­gle moth­er of nine who had been liv­ing in a di­lap­i­dat­ed shack in Cara­pichaima.

Kathy Ann De­venish, 41, who has can­cer, had been strug­gling to sup­port her fam­i­ly as she un­der­went chemother­a­py treat­ments when mem­bers of a lo­cal church found out about her plight and pitched in to help. That was two months ago when a mem­ber of the Wya­by Bible Way Church vis­it­ed De­venish at her home on Li­on’s Dri­ve, Or­ange Field Road, to in­vite her to a cru­sade. Alarmed at the con­di­tions in which she and her chil­dren were liv­ing—a one-room shack that leaks when it rains—the church mem­ber brought the sit­u­a­tion to the at­ten­tion of the Pas­tor Har­ris Hen­ry, who in turned told Hay­ma Ali, an­oth­er church mem­ber.

“Our hearts went out to her and my hus­band and me, my un­cle and some oth­er mem­bers of the church de­cid­ed to build her a big­ger house right in the same yard where she lives,” Ali said.

The one-room shack in which Kathy Ann Devenish and her nine children lived at Orange Field Road in Carapichaima.

Ad­mit­ted that she had not known De­venish be­fore, Ali said: “We told peo­ple about her sit­u­a­tion and got stuff do­nat­ed and when we would use our mon­ey at the hard­ware we ex­plained to them what we were do­ing and man­aged to se­cure dis­counts on ma­te­ri­als.”

To make ends meet, De­venish did sev­er­al jobs in­clud­ing work­ing as a se­cu­ri­ty guard, sell­ing pholourie and oth­er del­i­ca­cies and tak­ing care of an el­der­ly per­son in Palmyra. Her chil­dren range in age from 24 years to 30 months old.

In late 2017, De­venish was breast­feed­ing her youngest son, Je­lani, when she dis­cov­ered a lump to her right breast. She be­came con­cerned and vis­it­ed the Freeport Health Cen­tre but was told it was prob­a­bly be­cause her “breast­milk get lumpy.” She brought it to their at­ten­tion on sev­er­al oc­ca­sions and was al­leged­ly giv­en the same ex­cuse.

When the lump got big­ger, De­venish joined a clin­ic at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal and was di­ag­nosed with breast can­cer. The can­cer is now at Stage 4 has spread to her kid­neys and lungs.

De­venish has com­plet­ed 15 chemother­a­py ses­sions and ra­di­a­tion and is now on chemo tablets at home. How­ev­er, her health con­tin­ues to de­te­ri­o­rate. She ex­pe­ri­ences pains through­out her body that is so in­tense some­times that she can­not move at times. In ad­di­tion, she needs to do a bone scan which costs ap­prox­i­mate­ly $2,000.

De­spite these health chal­lenges, De­venish ex­pressed her grat­i­tude for the kind­ness and gen­eros­i­ty of the church group.

Yes­ter­day, as she looked on at the work be­ing done on her new home, she de­clared: “Thank you, Je­sus, for help­ing me by bring­ing these peo­ple in my life. Most of all I would like you, God, to con­tin­ue to bless them so that they can help oth­er peo­ple who are worse off than me, who are more sick than me.

“My chil­dren are so ex­cit­ed and hap­py to move in­to their new home…it just come like Christ­mas to them. I am very, very hap­py and hum­bled at the same time to see God work.”

De­venish said her on­ly wish now is to have the health and strength to see her chil­dren grow in­to adults.

“Four of my chil­dren at­tend the Cara­pichaima RC School and one passed SEA for Cara­pichaima West Sec­ondary School but all of them were un­able to start to school be­cause I didn’t have mon­ey to buy food for them and…some of them their school sup­plies but God is good through it all and my faith in God will nev­er die,” she said.

“I came from a long way, from death to where I am now. My chil­dren are my main con­cern right now. The lit­tle mon­ey I get now I put it to­wards them.”

Al­though they will soon have a prop­er roof over their heads, the fam­i­ly is still in need of fur­ni­ture, food and school sup­plies. Any­one will­ing to help can con­tact De­venish at 390-5388.

“Thank you to every­one who has helped me so far and who will help me in the fu­ture…God Bless,” De­venish said.