Alleged knife-wielding bandit remanded

A man who was allegedly part of a gang that robbed a woman on New Market Street last month, was remanded to prison when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday.

Fazal Shafeek, 24, of West Ruimveldt Housing Scheme, Georgetown, appeared before Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty and pleaded not guilty to a robbery charge. It is alleged that on September 14th at New Market Street, Georgetown, while in the company of others and armed with a knife, Shafeek robbed Anita Mohan of a handbag, a cellphone and cash, all with a total value of $83,000.

Police Prosecutor Seon Blackman did not provide the facts in relation to the matter in court. He said that citizens should be free to traverse the country without being robbed and objected to bail being granted. He cited the prevalence of the offence, the punishment and the penalty it attracts. The prosecutor added that the offensive weapon used, a knife, is more reason to not release Shafeek on bail.

Magistrate McGusty then remanded Shafeek to prison until October 23rd.