Trinidad: Lumberer, friend found murdered in Cumuto

Aleem Khan, 50  of Coryal Village, Cumuto  (left) and Bryan Felix, 40
Aleem Khan, 50 of Coryal Village, Cumuto (left) and Bryan Felix, 40

(Trinidad Guardian) A lum­ber­er by trade, Bryan Fe­lix, 40, was asked by his neigh­bour Aleem Khan, 50, on Fri­day to help cut down some logs and build up a wood­en struc­ture on a par­cel of land in Cu­mu­to.

The pair, who both lived off the Cu­mu­to Main Road in Coryal Vil­lage, re­turned home on Fri­day evening, hav­ing com­plet­ed some work.

On Sat­ur­day, they went back out with the same in­ten­tions.

How­ev­er, they nev­er re­turned home.

Vil­lagers from their com­mu­ni­ty con­duct­ed search­es to find the two men— Khan a fa­ther of two, and Fe­lix a fa­ther of one.

But their search end­ed in tragedy yes­ter­day morn­ing when the bod­ies of the two men were both found near where they were last seen.

Po­lice told the Guardian Me­dia that at 7 am yes­ter­day, Sgt Williams and a par­ty of of­fi­cers from the Cu­mu­to Po­lice Sta­tion re­ceived in­for­ma­tion that two bod­ies were found at Sin Ver­guen­za Road, Coryal Vil­lage.

The of­fi­cers went to a bushy area ap­prox­i­mate­ly a quar­ter mile off the north­ern side of the road­way where they ob­served two male bod­ies ly­ing in the bush­es with what ap­peared to be gun­shot wounds to their heads.

The wounds ap­peared to have been made by a shot­gun.

The bod­ies were viewed by a dis­trict med­ical of­fi­cer and or­dered re­moved from the scene at about 1.15 pm.

An au­top­sy is ex­pect­ed to be per­formed to­day at the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­ter to con­firm what caused their deaths.

When the Guardian vis­it­ed Coryal Vil­lage, yes­ter­day, rel­a­tives and friends of the two men had gath­ered in their num­bers to pay their fi­nal re­spects.

The over­ar­ch­ing con­sen­sus at the two wakes, was shock.

No one un­der­stood why this had hap­pened.

“When we woke up this morn­ing we weren’t ex­pect­ing to hear this, nah. We were ex­pect­ing to hear maybe they got lost or some­thing. But not this,” Guardian Me­dia was told by one vil­lager.

Fe­lix, rel­a­tives said, was mar­ried and had one daugh­ter.

He was a lum­ber­er all his life, trained in the field by his fa­ther.

They said that the 40-year-old was a lov­ing, kind, car­ing and con­sid­er­ate man.

“Any ad­jec­tive you can think of be­sides be­ing bad, that would de­scribe Fe­lix. That was the type of man he was,” rel­a­tives said.

When asked why any­one would want the 40-year-old man dead, rel­a­tives were baf­fled.

“He wasn’t in any­thing. We don’t know what hap­pened here. The most we can say is we heard there was a dis­agree­ment over the same land that they were work­ing on, but to say it would lead to mur­der… I can’t say,” rel­a­tives said.

In their sor­row, Khan’s rel­a­tives gave sim­i­lar com­ments.

“The most we can say is that my fa­ther got land from his fa­ther, and it was on­ly re­cent­ly prop­er­ly placed un­der his name. Now that in­di­vid­ual start­ed to grade it down and thing and asked my fa­ther if he could make a small road­way through my dad’s land. My dad told him go ahead. How­ev­er, the road got big­ger and big­ger, and then was com­ing too much in­to my dad’s land, and he said ‘boy, you have to stop that’. That is the on­ly thing I can think of. But I don’t know if that is linked. But my dad was just such a qui­et man, we just are strug­gling try­ing to fig­ure out how this hap­pened,” Guardian Me­dia was told.

Khan’s wife died less than two months ago af­ter her ap­pen­dix rup­tured.

Khan’s un­time­ly death has plunged his fam­i­ly and the rest of the vil­lage in­to deep­er mourn­ing.