Trinidad man charged for calling cops ‘fully dunce’

(Trinidad Guardian) A man who dared to call the po­lice “ful­ly dunce” has been ar­rest­ed and charged.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors said that around 5 pm on Fri­day, PC Ramkissoon was on foot pa­trol when he saw a 23-year-old man sit­ting in his car with his seat­belt strapped across his shoul­der but not across his waist.

He told the man of the of­fence of fail­ing to wear a seat­belt and re­quest­ed his dri­ving doc­u­ments.

Po­lice said the man hand­ed over the doc­u­ments and be­gan be­hav­ing in an irate man­ner. Po­lice said PCs Humphrey, Ramdeen and Vil­lafana ad­vised the man about his con­duct but he flew in­to a rage and started shout­ing, “All yuh po­lice ful­ly dunce.” He was lat­er tak­en to the Ch­agua­nas Po­lice Sta­tion where he was charged with dis­or­der­ly be­hav­iour and in­sult­ing lan­guage.

The man, of En­ter­prise, Ch­agua­nas, lat­er got sta­tion bail and is ex­pect­ed to ap­pear be­fore a Ch­agua­nas mag­is­trate on Tues­day.