GECOM making a mess of voters list

Dear  Editor,

The nation had high hopes in the new GECOM Chair recommended by President Jagdeo but she has so far turned out to be a big disappointment. Vincent Alexander seems to be running the show there.

Now that GECOM has helped the PNC to extend its stay by 15 months, it’s time to abandon all the shenanigans coming from GECOM. They have succeeded in using MAD (Maximum Administrative Delay) tactics to give the PNC more time in office; their mission is accomplished. So let’s now do what the PPP has been advising all along and use the old list, purged of the deceased folks, with the new verified registrants added. The arbitrary, whimsical, and capricious manner in which the list is being produced, leaves much cause of action for the losing party to file an election petition. Guyana cannot afford to have the election nullified because GECOM screwed up.

The worst part of all of this is the Chair is still silent instead of holding a weekly press conference and telling the nation what’s happening. We still hear from individual Commissioners and cannot take their word as gospel since they are partisans. Why is the Chair allowing this to continue?

How can the new House-to-House list have dead people and people already on the old list? Have they not removed the dead from the lists as yet since December 2018? The $4 billion wasted could have built so many roads, bought medicine for the hospitals, improved water and electricity, and pay sugar workers better. To top it off, they have reappointed Lowenfield to another term. Why not bring in Vishnu Persaud to help since the ERC said there was discrimination against him?

In the old days, rigging was by seizing the ballot boxes and taking them to the Army headquarters, replacing PPP votes with fraudulent PNC ballots and declaring the PNC the winner. For 2020, the rigging will be mainly though some bad lists appearing on election days.

Luckily, the PPP is there to fight for the people to keep GECOM accountable, while the newbie parties are absent from this fight. Sad that any time the PNC is in power, you have to be fighting again for democracy.

Yours faithfully,

Jerry Singh