This is what PNC and PPP gave us for 50 years

Dear Editor,

I have since 2013 been writing letters to the press engaging Guyanese on a host of economic matters which affect them,  and have been offering ideas and solutions to our national welfare problems. As someone who has been immersed in Guyana’s economic history, I have distilled our major problems as they have originated from our major political parties.  While either of the major political parties display relative strength in one area or another, the following summarize the offerings of both the PNC-led Coalition and Jagdeo:

1. Government-sponsored Poverty

2. Chronic Unemployment

3. Poverty in our Old Age

4. Corruption            

5. Cronyism

6. Lies                          

7. Narcotics/money laundering.

8. Giving Away of Our Natural Resources.

9. For good measure, the coalition has thrown in having our Minister of Finance pay the income taxes of oil companies, on our behalf!

10.  Jagdeo has gone a step further and is trying to have someone who has 19 pending charges against him, installed as our president, even as there are a host of questions relating to his qualifications. 

Now folks, this is what they gave us for 50 years!  If you vote for them again in 2020, you agree to another 50 years!!! 

Even for us as a hospitable people, there comes a time when we have to say, “Enough is enough!!! 

Yours faithfully,

Craig Sylvester, 

Party Leader, Democratic National
